sábado, 22 de maio de 2021

MURIEL LEUNG |«Imagine Us, The Swarm»


 Winner of the Nightboat Books Poetry Prize, Imagine Us, The Swarm offers seven powerful texts that form a constellation of voices, forms, and approaches to loneliness, silence, and death. Daqui


«Imagine Us, The Swarm reads like a modular work, greater than the sum of its parts, which restlessly pivots around the question at its core: “what it means / to be at once [a colony] and [alone].” Split across seven hybrid essayistic poems, each intricately varied in form and preoccupation, Muriel Leung’s debut collection approaches what could be conceived of as a poetics—or even an autotheory—of the hive, and all the metaphoric potentials of its sociality. For example, the first chapter deploys a swarming phalanx of periods across white space; they represent worker bees, yes, but the invasion of punctuation also illustrates the stuttered silences and gaps commonly experienced by the diasporic body. In other chapters a cancer cell in the body of the poet’s father transforms into a rich meditation on anti-Asian hate and racism, moving deftly from the Chinese Exclusion Act toward the COVID-19 pandemic.(...)». Leia mais.

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