segunda-feira, 25 de março de 2024



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A propósito, da 

European Women's Lobby



«The 2024 EU elections are around the corner! Each European can have a say in the future of Europe, and ensure that the European project of peace, democracy, inclusion, equality and solidarity lives on.
Women’s rights are not only a women’s issue. Equality between women and men should be a concern for everyone and would be beneficial to European society as a whole, economically, socially, and politically.
That’s why we call on you to join in and strive to make (...)» .
saiba mais.

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E da Culture Action Europe

«Pop the Vote! Culture on the Ballot

“Pop the Vote! Culture on Ballot” encourages active engagement of European citizens around the 2024 European Parliamentary Elections through culture. Co-funded by the European Parliament, Pop the Vote! works with young artists and art school students in 14 EU countries to act as Changemakers in their own communities and mobilise them to participate in the European Parliamentary elections 2024 by co-creating a multi-action campaign. Pop the Vote! uses innovative ways of community engagement with culture and the arts at its core by using the language of arts and culture for political change and approaches of artivism and community culture. The project aims to reach citizens, including underrepresented groups that tend to be less engaged with the European decision-making processes and encourage them to participate in the EP elections in 2024. (...)». Saiba mais.

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Ainda, o post do Elitário Para Todos quando se soube que João Oliveira encabeçava a Lista da CDU às Eleições para o Parlamento Europeu:BOA NOTÍCIA! |João Oliveira é o primeiro candidato da lista da CDU ao Parlamento Europeu. De lá:

«(...)E «SERVIÇO PÚBLICO DE CULTURA» faz todo o sentido que seja também «organizador» em intervenções no Parlamento Europeu, e no que nos diz respeito ganhamos, a nosso ver, em «imitar» o que acontece com outros Países Parceiros. Já agora, lembramos palavras do CANDIDATO JOÃO OLIVEIRA proferidas num Debate na Assembleia da República:


Uma vontade:tudo faremos neste blogue para que a CULTURA E AS ARTES tenham espaço de debate nas próximas Eleições Europeias». 
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