quinta-feira, 23 de março de 2017

NOS ESTADOS UNIDOS LUTA-SE PELAS ARTES E HUMANIDADES | Contra as ameças orçamentais da Administração Trump


In 1965, with bipartisan support, Congress introduced the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities to promote innovative and creative expression, cultural and artistic understanding, and scholarly research as a basis for an informed democracy. President Trump's administration now threatens U.S. leadership in these areas by promoting a budget that eliminates the Endowments – ushering in a new Dark Ages in America. I urge you to reject any budget brought before Congress that eliminates funding for the arts and humanities.
Funding for the NEA and NEH each constitute only .003% of federal spending, an investment that supports some of the world's greatest literature, art, and cultural institutions. Eliminating these vital agencies would lessen America's stature as a haven for free thinkers and a global leader in humanity's shared quest for knowledge.

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