sábado, 10 de junho de 2023




«Visit the largest festival of contemporary art in the UK

Join us for Liverpool Biennial, the UK’s largest contemporary visual arts festival which takes place across Liverpool’s public spaces, galleries and museums. Visitors to the city can enjoy a dynamic programme of free exhibitions, performances, screenings, community and learning activities and fringe events over a 14 week period that shine a light on our city’s vibrant cultural scene.

The 12th edition of the Biennial is titled uMoya: The Sacred Return of Lost Things and addresses the history and temperament of the city of Liverpool and is a call for ancestral and indigenous forms of knowledge, wisdom and healing. In the isiZulu language, uMoya means spirit, breath, air, climate and wind. (...)». Saiba mais.


Veja no site da Liverpool Biennial 2023


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