segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2015

ARTES E SUSTENTABILIDADE: colocar «o verde» na agenda é preciso

Desde logo, ler ou reler o relatório da imagem é a primeira sugestão. Depois, a partir dele e em ambiente COP21 - ver aqui - recorramos, uma vez mais, ao ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND para chamarmos a atençao sobre o «verde» na esfera da cultura e das artes: «Arts Council England is committed to supporting the sector to reduce its impact on the environment. Arts Council England’s managed Accreditation scheme requires museums to be environmentally conscious and produce an environmental policy statement that is realistic for the scale of the organisation, and Museum development funding provides support to smaller organisations to improve sustainability with environmental audits and tailored action plans. Detailed information on how Arts Council England is working towards building resilience in the arts and culture sector through environmental sustainability can be found on pages 14 to 15. Arts Council England itself continues (...)». 

Já agora, outro aspecto que é sempre oportuno trazer à baila - e então neste momento que se está a iniciar um novo ciclo na sociedade portuguesa -  a monitorização e a avaliação (os destaques são nossos): «Monitoring and evaluation - We continue to use a single set of principles to inform the level of monitoring we carry out for each of our funding programmes. The level is based on an analysis of risk that takes into consideration: • the amount of money involved • the strategic importance of the activity • any other risk factors.  We do not necessarily avoid risk; it is often a central aspect of the creative process. Our approach is to manage risk by carefully assessing all applications we receive and tailoring our monitoring requirements on a project-by-project basis. Where the risks associated with a project are considered low, a ‘light touch’ approach is adopted, enabling us to concentrate our resources on monitoring and supporting projects where the risks may be higher. We evaluate our funding programmes regularly to assess whether they are delivering the benefits that we expect for artists, arts organisations and the wider public. We use the findings of such evaluations to refine existing programmes and inform the development of future ones». 

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