sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2022

DAS REFLEXÕES QUE NÃO SE FAZEM POR CÁ | NA CAMPANHA ELEITORAL NEM CHEIRO! |«In short, the pandemic has exposed a dynamic of inequality endemic to the digital age»


E das obras referidas no artigo:

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« The rise of populism in the West and the rise of China in the East have stirred a rethinking of how democratic systems work—and how they fail. The impact of globalism and digital capitalism is forcing worldwide attention to the starker divide between the “haves” and the “have-nots,” challenging how we think about the social contract.
 «In this timely book written from the perspective of a technologist whose life started in rural America and wound its way to Silicon Valley, Kevin Scott, Microsoft’s chief technology officer tackles one of the most critical issues facing society today: the future of artificial intelligence and how it can be realistically used to serve the interests of everyone, not just the privileged few.

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