sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2022

ACONTECEU | «ETC conference on the sustainable transition of the theater and its modes of creation»


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European theatres know they must act quickly across all aspects of their work to fulfil the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The good news: the sector has already come together for radical experiments on stage and in their buildings to make those changes happen now.

The European Theatre Convention (ETC) invites you to join leading theatres around Europe and experts from UNESCO and Creative Europe as they reflect on how policies like the EU Green Deal and tools like the Theatre Green Book and the ETC Sustainable Action Code are pulling theatres towards ambitious climate targets. Dissident theatre maker Lara Staal will stretch the sector even further with a vital artistic intervention.

The conference-debate will then launch STAGES (Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift), a never-before-seen theatre experiment in sustainability. This large-scale European project, led by the Théâtre de Liège and co-funded by the EU, will see 14 influential theatre partners tour of urgent new performances around Europe and as far afield as Taiwan -- without moving any people or items. The partners will also undergo a new auto-analysis process to identify necessary changes in areas such as building design, audience travel and work-life balance; and test a series of participatory events and workshops -- bringing scientists and local audiences into the creative process.

Conference attendees will also get an insight into the major sustainable developments at the National Theater & Concert Hall - 國家兩廳院 (Taiwan), as part of the STAGES programme, which is shaped by the ‘Doughnut Economics’ concept by British economist Kate Raworth.

 English speaking event.


In collaboration with Théâtre de Liège (Belgium)




Justifica-se saber mais sobre o programa STAGES:



De lá: «(...) A STAGES – Sustainable Theatre Alliance for a Green Environmental Shift recebeu dois milhões de euros em cofinanciamento da União Europeia para testar, ao longo de quatro anos, “soluções radicais para os maiores desafios impostos pela crise climática”. Estes “desafios” incluem o impacto do carbono nas digressões internacionais: os parceiros apresentarão novos espetáculos sobre a crise climática, em vários países europeus (e até em Taiwan) sem movimentar pessoas ou objetos.  transformação sustentável de longo e curto prazo, através de um processo de autoanálise, que identificará as principais áreas de mudança nos teatros parceiros, inclusive em temas como ‘design’ de figurinos, deslocações do público e equilíbrio entre vida profissional e pessoal dos trabalhadores, é também visada. (...)».

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