Uma passagem:
In the 60 years of existence of the European project, a supranational cultural space has emerged. Cultural
operators have long understood that in an increasingly globalised and competitive world their strength resides
in uniting on European level. Contemporary creation is producing a new and needed symbolic space that
inscribes us as Europeans and projects us into the future. These practices accompany the emergence of
European identities, coexisting with national, regional and local identities. They gift us with a plural, diverse
European culture in constant progression that strengthens social cohesion and wellbeing. As shown in the
Parliament’s study on European cultural identity, fostering a sense of belonging through both a political and a
cultural identity is a systemic element for the sustainability of the European project (Prutsch, 2017). Culture and
democracy are not independent one from the other; a robust relationship between culture and democratic
participation has been proven (COE, 2016). Counteracting the instrumentalisation of culture by populist
movements and reinforcing EU actions celebrating and strengthening heritage and cultural diversity, in
accordance with the core remit of the EU in the cultural field (Art. 167), should be seen as fundamental to build
the future of Europe. The cultural sector is ready to be a companion and ally in this endeavour.(...)».
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