quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2024

ESTRATÉGIAS | ENQUANTO ESPERAMOS PELA NOSSA «ENTI» AGORA RECAUCHUTADA OLHEMOS PARA OUTRAS ESTRATÉGIAS |«Read Glasgow's Culture Strategy 2024 to 2030, designed to enable culture to shape and build Glasgow's future health, prosperity and sustainability»



Culture is a revitalising force that opens minds and improves lives. Glasgow’s residents embrace and embody all kinds of culture, with a particular kind of pride for what is produced in their city. 

 Free public galleries and museums, parks and outdoor events have been part of city life for decades. Nurtured in childhood, generations of Glaswegians have an inherent feeling of ownership of the city’s spaces and collections. Access to culture breeds curiosity and makes us healthier, leading to a strong sense of entitlement to creative experiences.

 Performers from home and abroad often say how much they love to be in front of an appreciative Glasgow crowd. They experience an openness, energy and an enthusiasm to connect with others– part of the very character of the city. Glasgow’s audiences want to share the experience with artists, not just receive it. (...)».

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É verdade, estávamos a elaborar o post sobre o relatório de Glasgow acima quando fomos alertados para a notícia seguinte. Decidimos ligar as matérias. Sem mais! Respeitemos «AGOSTO».


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