terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2024

«The Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (Creative PEC) works to support the growth of the UK’s creative industries through the production of independent and authoritative evidence and policy advice»



«About State of the Nations

The Creative PEC’s ‘State of the Nations’ series analyses the latest data across four thematic areas to inform the development of policies relating to the creative industries. Their scope is the whole of the United Kingdom, and wherever possible data is presented for all the nations and regions. Regular reports on each area will be published biannually over the five years of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding. The themes and corresponding Research Partners are:

  • R&D, Innovation and Clusters (University of Sussex)
  • Internationalisation (Newcastle University)
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage Sectors (The University of Sheffield)
  • Education, Skills and Talent (Work Advance)».


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Bem nos esforçamos - na circunstância olhando para outros -  para que as designadas INDÚSTRIAS CULTURAIS E CRIATIVAS tenham espaço nas Políticas Culturais do nosso País.  Óbvio, em paralelo, o SERVIÇO PÚBLICO DE CULTURA digno deste nome - «a menina dos nossos olhos» sem o que, desde logo, «as indústrias» não progridem

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