segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2024

O IMPORTANTE PAPEL DA CULTURA | afinal por todos reconhecido - da Assembleia geral da ONU ao G20


Por cá, ninguém discute. Quando muito emitem-se «sound bytes». Mas, conversas, estudos, investigação, serviços do sec. XXI, ... esperam: que não queremos como coisa à parte mas que esteja em toda a parte. No ADN de tudo.   Na esfera do SERVIÇO PÚBLICO DE CULTURA e das designadas INDÚSTRIAS CULTURAIS E CRIATIVAS orientadas pelo jogo do mercado.
Entretanto, pelo menos conheçamos as recomendações internacionais:
mas para a globalidade daassembleia
 veja mais neste endereço
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e detenhamo-nos neste excerto:
Action 11. We will protect and promote culture and sport as integral components of sustainable development. 
30. We recognize that culture as well as sport offer individuals and communities a strong sense of identity and foster social cohesion. We also recognize that sport can contribute to individuals’ and communities’ health and well-being. Culture as well as sport therefore are important enablers of sustainable development. We decide to:
 (a) Ensure that culture as well as sport can contribute to more effective, inclusive, equitable and sustainable development, and integrate culture into economic, social and environmental development policies and strategies and ensure adequate public investment in the protection and promotion of culture; 
(b) Encourage strengthened international cooperation on the return or restitution of cultural properties of spiritual, ancestral, historical and cultural value to countries of origin, including but not limited to objets d’art, monuments, museum pieces, manuscripts and documents, and strongly encourage relevant private entities to similarly engage, including through bilateral dialogue and with the assistance of multilateral mechanisms, as appropriate; 
(c) Promote and support intercultural and interreligious dialogue to strengthen social cohesion and contribute to sustainable development. (...)».

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