sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2022

«MAKING CULTURE - A handbook for fostering a participatory approach in the performing arts»



«This handbook was created with a very concrete and operational purpose in mind: to provide a tool, a sort of guiding compass, for operators, mediators, cultural organisations, artistic directors and – why not? – even artists when approaching participatory cultural processes.

It does not pretend to cover the theme of cultural participation in all its myriad nuances and implications, although it does explicitly provide interpretative frameworks on the meaning of a term that in its simplicity also encompasses ethical choices and the deployment of a complex and interrelated system of value assets, and that, moreover, can find different declinations. 

This publication is nourished by both the theoretical and practical lessons we have learned during the eight years of the Be SpectACTive! EU project, through a trial-and-error approach involving both mistakes and never-ending achievements alike.

 The book tries to explore the reasons that make participation so vital, in part because of its intimate affinity with human nature. It aims to provoke reflection – sometimes starting from a theoretical statement, sometimes from concrete examples (which we hope will resonate with the experiences of the reader). 

Crucially, instead of aiming to be a ready-to-use recipe book, it intends to provide what are operational pathfinders. 

The book was born as an act of sharing, animated by the belief that everyone can find their own way, or rather that this way unravels progressively with the reading. And, like every road, it will have steep stretches, sometimes it will turn off the beaten path, sometimes it will become a highway ... but it is up to the driver to decide when to press on the accelerator, when to slow down, when to stop, when to choose a shortcut.

In essence, we have imagined it to be somewhere between a book and a customisable notebook, with the reader deciding the dosage».



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