O Resumo em inglês:
Pensions for retired entertainment industry professionals
in intermittent work: more pension recipients receiving
lower pensions through successive generations
Almost 14,000 retired entertainment industry workers now receive a retirement pension at the
end of an “intermittent” career, i.e. a career based on a succession of short-term contracts. Since
1989, their number has dramatically increased, following on from the growth in entertainment
industry professionals and the rise project based employment practices over the last thirty years.
These professionals’ basic pensions rely on a legislation that is common to all wage earners. They
also benefit from a supplementary professional pension, paid by Audiens.
On average, intermittent workers retire at the age of 62, and the vast majority of them (93%)
benefit from a full pension. In 2009, the annual average total pension paid to former intermittent
workers in the entertainment industry is 18,180 euros, i.e. 1,520 euros a month.
The average amount of total pensions is falling, due to the depreciation of basic and
supplementary pensions. New generations of retired intermittent receive lower pensions than
previous ones, e.g. an intermittent retiring in 2009 would have a pension 10% lower in value than
that of another one retiring in 1999. Regarding the basic pension, this is essentially explained by a
decrease in the annual reference salary on which it is calculated. The evolution of supplementary
pensions is more contrasted: although they decrease overall, they increase for certain categories,
such as artists, thus providing a compensatory effect to their diminishing basic pensions.
Finally, the analysis of pensions over a twenty-year period reveals profound intergenerational,
but also professional and gender inequalities. Thus, the total annual pension for artists and
technicians who retired in 2009 was almost 13,000 euros per year lower than executives’. Female
intermittent professionals generally retire a little later than men, and get a lower pension, which
reflects women’s disadvantageous wage progression path. However the gender inequality gap
is progressively closing when it comes to retirement pensions. But this phenomenon is more
attributable to the decrease of men’s pensions than to an improvement of women’s ones».
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E faz sentido pensar estas matérias neste momento em que se está a reflectir o sistema de apoio às artes no nosso País. A reforma que cada um vai ter dependerá da maneira como a vida activa se desenvolveu. E tem de haver padrões de remunerações, e fazer os descontos, e ... O orçamento do Estado que vai para as artes, ou seja, o seu montante, também tem de reflectir estas coisas ...