sexta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2021







«Newly Released Private Copying Global Study shows Potential for Better Remuneration of Rightsholders

CISAC, BIEM and Dutch Society Stichting de Thuiskopie launched a new study 23 November 2020 on private copying systems globally. The study offers analysis of private copying systems around the world along with a guidance section on how to implement effective levy systems. Private copying levies are a vital source of income for creators and rightsholders across the world. They have an even greater potential if adequate legislation, proper application of the law and effective collection mechanisms are implemented. The study also illustrates in particular the potential economic benefits if levies are effectively implemented to cover digital devices. In 2018, global collections of private copying levies for all rights holders totalled EUR 1,046 million. This includes EUR 367 million for authors, representing 3.8% of global authors’ collections.

The common study is intended as an information tool for governments and policy makers, a reference for negotiations on fees and a source of data. It contains all the information that stakeholders need on private copying, from the legal framework to the practical implementation of private copying. Using multiple data sources, the study examines the copyright laws of 194 countries in 5 continents».



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